ILLUMINATE | four hours


ILLUMINATE | four hours


Follow up sessions for those seeking in-depth, comprehensive advice or guidance surrounding specific topics.

Common topics include:

  • all of the fundamentals from a one-hour session, but either more topics covered or explored more thoroughly

  • Idea expansion- taking it from a basic concept to a fully developed entity

  • Pinpointing and speaking directly to your ideal clients

  • Aligning your passions and talent with your career

  • Collaborative content development and editing

  • Translating big-picture goals into strategic day-to-day actions

During our session, I take detailed, organized notes and send them over as an action-based follow-up email, so you don't need to worry about missing a single recommendation. Available via phone, skype or facetime.

Upon purchase I will email you within one business day to schedule your 4 consecutive sessions.

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